What is Dalgona coffee?
Dalgona coffee (Korean: 달고나커피) is a beverage made by whipping equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk.
- 인스턴스 커피 2 스푼
- 설탕 2 스푼
- 뜨거운 물 2 스푼
- 우유 (원하는 양)
- 얼음 (옵션)
- 2 Spoons of instant Coffee powder
- 2 Spoons of Sugar
- 2 Spoons of Hot water
- Milk (You can choose the amount)
- Ice (optional)
시식 방법: 먹을 때는 달고나를 아래까지 잘 섞이게 저어줘야 합니다.
Tasting Methods: To make it taste better, stir the Dalgona to the bottom.
달고나 커피 만들기 영상 Video of Making Dalgona Coffee
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